Bangalore bangalore houses

Falling Property Prices in Bangalore: The Reasons


Bangalore has firmly established itself as India’s primary IT hub. The city’s IT boom several years ago heralded a new era of hope and enthusiasm, an era where youth from all over India were given a chance to establish their careers. The IT boom saw an influx of thousands of people to the city, which continues to this very day. And when there is such an influx, real estate moguls are not far behind. They saw the potential of the real estate market in India’s Silicon City, and decided to develop a wide range of properties.

As time went on and more and more global giants kept entering Bangalore, these properties witnessed mammoth upsurges in terms of their prices. The increase led to a point where ordinary people could not buy houses in Bangalore anymore, which has culminated in falling property prices. The following are some of the major reasons behind this dip in property prices in some areas of Bangalore:

houses in bangalore
Courtesy: Net

·     The Common Working Man: Buying house in Bangalore was no easy task for the common working man in recent years. With the continuous growth of the IT sector, property prices only seemed to go up, and this made almost the majority of Bangalore unaffordable for the people who can be considered in the strictly middle-class category. Bangalore’s high-priced neighbourhoods and localities only favoured the rich and powerful, but the aforementioned influx of youth towards the IT sector has resulted in affordable property developments in areas such as Sarjapur, which is located very close to many IT establishments.

·         Lesser Demand for Existing Properties: The vast number of properties built during the initial stage of the IT boom was still commanding a high price when something went horribly wrong for the property developers. The demand slumped to a huge extent when they thought that it would never dwindle at all. This has led to many property developers re-thinking their stance when it comes to the pricing of existing properties.

·         Advent of the Internet: Real estate and property portals on the internet give people very sound ideas in terms of what to and what not to do when buying properties in a city like Bangalore. This has also contributed immensely to the sharp drop in prices.

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